Week ahead spread 05/31/2020

So for the week ahead I did the energy, obstacle and advice 3 card spread! From the Light Seer’s Tarot!

Four of Swords- energy of the week!

I gotta say not surprised this card came up for the energy. As last week was my 1st week back to work in two months. It makes sense that this card would come up now as the card for much needed rest. Since I have been so out of practice going to work every day I think this card is a reminder that I need to pace myself. Ease back into things don’t burn myself so quickly this time. To sort of stop and smell the roses if it were and not be so quick to get the job done so fast I begin to resent my job and remember the 4 of swords is all about self- care. The last line in the book for this card says, I give myself permission to slow down and heal.” This is so true! We spend most of our daily life just trying to hang on and make it through we never really stop until something negative hits us. Whether that is an underlying health issue, loss of a job, loss of a relationship! Something that forces us to stop and take stock of our surroundings. This card has been stalking me for the better part of half a year and I know it is my ever reminder to slow down. Life isn’t a race to the finish line. It is all about living and you can’t live if you are to busy to experience it right?

Queen of Cups- Obstacle of the week!

Now, normally when I see the Queen of Cups. I think of the High Priestess. Especially in this deck. The two ladies are very similar in this deck in that they are highly intuitive, extremely psychic and are in full balance with not only the world around them but with themselves as well. So, it almost pains me to see this particular card in the shadow seer position as a negative. Which tells me that this week needs to be spent getting in realignment with myself. As a card tied to the element of water and thus emotions and feelings. I am once again being told to open up my heart and feel things that I previous thought better locked away. Honestly, I have felt extremely lost of late and I tend to lock everything away emotionally when I feel this way. Just a gentle reminder as well that my year card this year is the Lovers! Coincidence? Nah! Also, my card of the day today was the Ace of Cups! Really? Someone up there really trying to hammer home that this is my obstacle not only this week but every day. I need to really concentrate on opening up my heart again and just feel my way through things for once.

Death or Rebirth- Advice for the week!

Okay, so we pulled the Death card. I can’t stand that there is such a stigma on this particular card in the tarot. Quite often from my experiences the Death card rarely means  a literal death. In fact I rarely see this card as death at all but in fact REBIRTH! As I have said many times before when pulling this card( btw this death card is my fave in any deck) in order for rebirth or change to occur a certain death is required. When you look at this card in this way it opens up your mind and heart to endless possibilities! This could mean the end of a dead end job you hated for years to make way for an actual career and one that you love into your life. It could mean the end of a toxic relationship you would have never left to make way for the love of your life. It could simply mean the end of a belief system you have held onto for so long, and yes, while you are going through it it may feel like a literal death but in the end what you find and discover even about yourself can be astounding! Life changing, all for the better. This is what the Death card means to me and everytime I pull it I am reminded that just around the corner is a potential opportunity that could change everything. My beliefs, my life, my soul! Also, it is a reminder that whatever happens be open to the possibility of a new beginning. I think my favorite line in the movie THE MUMMY applies here. That,”DEATH IS ONLY THE BEGINNING!”

So, this is my week ahead spread. If anyone has any comments, questions, concerns. Please feel free to leave them below. Especially if you have your own take on any or all of the cards. I began posting my tarot spread of the week so that we could all learn together and until next we meet… The Spiritual Explorer.

Cards of the day 05/24/2020


Even though I seek peace and quiet on a daily basis. The utter silence, I hear as I step out of my front door these days. Chills me to the bone.

At long last I have gotten my wish and yet, somehow this does not feel like a win for me.

It is so eerily quiet even the wildlife that once chirped and chattered throughout my yard have fallen silent amid the death bell toll that lingers in the air.

It’s as if they know the world has been thrown into utter chaos and just like us they are simply trying to survive it.

At first glance, everything seems normal. At first glance, I seem normal, but both are just a beautiful mirage whispering silently to you in the early Spring air.

Winter has come and gone. Spring is finally here. The buds are blooming, the grass is greener. Everywhere I look new life is bursting forth and yet, I fear this too is nothing more than a dream, because I know what awaits me beyond my street.

Utter chaos, has broken out beyond my neighborhood. With a cold hand cruelty shatters the perfect serene quietness of the day.

Cars, hurdling themselves to work, as fast as they can. Almost, as if they are racing an invisible force to reach a safe space. This too, almost seems like a normal thing to do.

I finally, make my way to my destination and this, this is where my normal is shattered. People standing in line to simply get into the grocery store. Wearing masks and gloves to shop for food?

Once inside I can’t help but notice the emptiness of the shelves. Which really hammers home for me that the world I once knew is gone. I can’t just walk into the store anymore and buy whatever I want.

I feel as if I no longer live in the land of the free and the home of the brave anymore. ( if I ever did) I feel as if I am now in some sort of third world war torn country. Where people are fighting and hurting one another. Over the smallest things even if it is just a roll of toilet paper.

For the first time in history the world has a plague upon it. For the first time in history. There is nowhere to hide. No way of escape. The world has a whole has had tragedy thrust upon it.

I go from one day to the next wishing this nightmare was over and I could wake up at any moment and things would be as they were. Yet, I realize this is the normal and with it comes the promise of change.

The hope for something better. The hope that despite all the angry people in the world right now. All the suffering, all the pain, all the loss. Will teach humanity as a whole. To be kinder, smarter, better.

We are under attack by an invisible death. One we can’t see coming until it is to late. One we can’t see or touch. It is time to gather up ourselves and spread the love.

This is the new normal! This is our time to write our own history. To show each other compassion and love. This is our time to reset our lives. To realize what is important and live each day as if it is our last, because in these uncertain times it may very well be.

It is time for deep thoughts and even deeper hearts. We can’t let this thing beat us! It is our right, nay our duty to soldier on in the wake of…the virus!


So, I am in the laundry mat for the 3rd time in 2 weeks. All because one little tiny switch on the lid of my washing machine broke. So, now it won’t close right to go through all the cycles it needs to go through. Have I mentioned how much I HATE laundry mats! I am essentially a Hermit so going out to the grocery store for food I need to eat to survive is taxing enough add to this  being surrounded by strangers watching and judging as I fold my unmentionables!
However, I keep the mantra in my head, ” I am doing this for my family”, and somehow I power through.

The last two times I have come here (since there is so much down time between washing and drying) I had decided to bring my tarot cards. Since my mind is ever turning it was still hard to concentrate on what I was doing and so, I put them away. Today, however, felt different. We are no longer in full quarantine and I was already anxious about what I would find at the laundry mat. Meaning a whole crap load of people. I was pleasantly surprised to find it nearly empty. To my shock and dismay it hasn’t been crowded at all when I come here. After washing everything and then moving them all to the dryers I sat her just quietly contemplating life when suddenly I got the feeling that I was no longer alone.

Now, I gotta tell you that I figured out really the reason I hate laundry mats. It is not the non- privacy, it is not the crowds. It is that for whatever reason I feel that the laundry mat is trashy and I have prejudged others for coming to one in the past even the type of person that comes to one. I know that sounds horrible but with this new insight into myself I have realized that prejudgment is now gone. I understand not everyone has a washing machine at home and has to come to a laundry mat to do laundry. I understood this even before today but that preconceived notion was still there until today.

I sat here wrapped in the warmth of the dryers lining the walls and I felt a presence near me and for the first time I saw the laundry mat through new eyes. Then it got me thinking maybe I hated laundry mats because of all the quiet time involved. As my mind is never quiet this is a dangerous place to be. Alone with my thoughts.

For the first time in a long time I just sat here and people watched with the ghostly presence at my side. Watching as these hard working middle class people washed, dried, and folded their laundry. I felt a certain connection to them I had never felt before. Then the thought popped into my head. How many of these people believe in ghosts? How many of them feel the same figure I do hovering about from one person to the next making sure they were all abiding by laundry mat rules.

How many of them are like me? That can sense that someone is near that has moved beyond this world. Then a sadness creeped in and I realized I have met fewer people that believe in  ghosts than actually do believe. I could almost picture spirits surrounding each individual as they went about their tasks oblivious to what was standing right in front of them.  Whether it was a loved one reaching out or a perfect stranger curious as to what the living were doing. I was sad to see that they couldn’t see!

We walk through this world never taking the time to appreciate those that came before us. Never realizing that even if we don’t believe, the dead really do walk among us. One of my favorite lines from the movie Cocktail ( and I have done a blog on it before) is,” bury the dead they stink up the place.” While this is true physically, I have come to realize the dead never really leave us. They stick around either to learn from us or to teach us something. What that is well, that is up to us to figure out and be open enough to understand.

This, moment just proves my point. Who would have ever thought I would run into a ghost in the laundry mat of all places?

Card of the day 05/09/2020

Cards of the day 05/07/2020


I haven’t dreamed any dreams in a while so you can imagine my surprise when after letting my dog out this morning I fell back asleep and began to dream.

As always the dream began as if I were already in the middle of a dream. Almost as if I missed the first two or three minutes of a movie. For the first time ever, when there is a house in my dream it was actually the one I live in currently. Not some creepy old house I know I have never been in (in this lifetime anyway). It was right around dusk and my husband and two boys were out in the front yard, I feel like we had been doing yard work or maybe had some sort of family gathering like a BBQ and it was just us left in the yard.

My dog was chained up outside and for some reason started barking like she has never barked before. Suddenly, there was a huge brown bear in the front yard and came over to inspect the barking dog. Instant fear coursed through me and the need to protect my kids as well as the dog kicked in. I began yelling at the kids to get over in the back corner of the yard where my husband and I were standing and as they came over the Bear noticed and began to follow suit. It sort of rambled not threatening, just curious about all of us. As the dog nipped and barked at the bear’s feet it didn’t seem phased by the minor annoyance. It seemed to focus on me.

I yelled at it to leave us alone and it seemed to listen and rambled off down the road. My husband commented on how the bear was just walking around and no one else in the neighborhood seemed to care that there was a giant brown bear just walking about. I must tell you where I live there are no brown bears in the wild. The only brown bears we would see are in the Zoo and even our local Zoo doesn’t have them. So, I found it odd that there seemed to be a tame brown bear just wandering through the neighborhood., but wait the dream is not over yet!

Just as my heart began to slowly slide back down from my throat the brown bear was suddenly back. It just appeared in the back yard where we were still frozen in shock and began playing with us. It would kind of paw at me and I even lunged at it to protect my youngest kid. I missed and fell on the ground. Now, terrified I looked at the bear and it seemed to zero in on me once again. It came at me head to head, but instead of attacking it seemed to be trying to tell me something. I kind of rubbed it’s head on mine and then kind of sauntered away looking back at me as if to say, “follow me”.

I got up dusted the dirt off my jeans and as I began to tentatively follow the bear it seemed to be overcome with excitement and took off. Running in between me and my neighbor’s home through massive woods that are not really there under the light of a now beautiful full moon. As I came into a patch of trees I couldn’t see very well and as I yelled out,” I am not following you into the woods so you can eat me.” The woods suddenly, opened up into a beautiful clearing with one single tree right in the middle of it, with an old wooden fence around it.

I could feel my neighbor’s getting out of their car and going into the house watching me as if I were losing my mind. I know now that they were probably wondering,”who is she talking to?” I continued toward the open field, curious as to where the bear was when it suddenly appeared sitting in front of the tree. Focused on something beyond the tree on a hill of moonlit green grass. I followed her gaze and there playing on the hill in the brilliant moonlight were two baby bear cubs! For a split second I wondered, “why isn’t she going to them?” Mere seconds, before a vision of blood and death filled my senses.

All at once I was there, the moment hunters came and chased her down. I watched helplessly as she tried to defend her children and losing her life in the process. I watched as two men with rifles came and interrupted her peaceful existence. I jumped the moment the rifle shattered the quiet night with one single bullet and the giant gentle brown bear went down. With the smell of gunpowder in the air I watched as if in slow motion as she fell and witnessed the blood leaking down the hill, ever so slowly, under the light of the very same moon. I was now standing under.

A lone tear trickled down my face as I was snapped back to the present moment. She turned to me and for the second time since I encountered this brown bear our eyes locked. It was as if we understood one another, mother to mother. We would both die for our offspring and in her case, she did. That is the moment I realized, she was nothing more than a ghost of the past. The second this realization hit she began to vanish right before my eyes. Until there was nothing left but me standing in the clearing with the moonlight streaming down and two beautiful baby bear cubs.

I gathered them to me and for some reason their fur was so light it was yellow, which made them even cuter than they should have been. They too, seemed to recognize me and understand me when I said,”ok, let’s go home.” Coming out of the woods and back to my world I looked back at the woods where the mother had died and there was nothing. No woods. No clearing, not even the moonlight had the same affect anymore. It was as if I had stepped through another time, or place to reach her cubs. I got up to the sidewalk in front of my house in between the houses once again and relayed everything I had seen to my husband. My kids were playing with the baby cubs and even my dog seemed to take a shine to them. They were now part of our family. Yet, I sat down and began to weep alone on the curb for the mother that would never see her babies grow. The mother that was simply trying to protect what was hers. My heart was broken over the loss of a brown bear I had never even met, until after her death. This, this is the moment my subconscious, decided to wake me from this dream.

With tears still staining my cheeks, I wondered what did it all mean? It is hours later and I still feel the loss of the brown bear. Was this some sort of spiritual dream? Was it an omen of things to come? Was it just something I ate?

All I can say is this dream was emotional. This dream was paranormal, I mean I had a vision of her death while in the dream. I spoke to her and touched her after she was dead, and then there was the woods that seemed to appear as if another time or place. This dream was fraught with psychic information and I have no doubt it meant something… but what? If you guys have any thoughts on this dream please enlighten me. Thanks for listening and until we meet again… THE SPIRITUAL EXPLORER!

Cards of the day 05/06/2020