My Skin

My skin is alive! It crawls with all the emotions I have been told not to feel.

It moves in tandem with the chaos inside me trying to get out. To be free. By any means necessary.

I feel the sharpened edges of insanity poking through the surface cutting me in the process.

I bleed from a thousand tiny holes, it leaks out with a vengeance, as if it has something to say.

My skin can no longer contain this tsunamis that is my pain. I long for absolution within my soul.

Out of my mouth pours the stink of silence, I vibrate with the sweet relief of my own voice.

Now healing from the emotions that bubbled out of every pore, my skin settles down, it shines the shine of hope, and a better tomorrow.


The Sphinx, the Pyramids, Budda and faces of unknown origin. This is what Nasa is now claiming Mars has in common with Earth! Apparently since the very first rover mission to Mars, there have been hundreds of pictures if not thousands sent back to Nasa showing Pyramids in clusters as if they were part of a large city, a mirror image of the Sphinx, A possible Budda head, and even carvings of human faces in the ground! What? Mind blown!

This was all on the one and only episode of Ancient Aliens that has really piqued my interest. Yes, they are saying that it is proof aliens are out there and are going so far as to say that maybe they are among us today since we have the same statues and monuments here on Earth. While I still don’t believe in aliens I do find these real-life pictures fascinating. Yet, ever playing the devil’s advocate I gotta ask the question. Why now? Since realizing that Nasa is separate from our government and the possibility that they have been hiding their own version of area 51. It seems rather fishy to me that after years and years of collecting their own data only now in the last couple of years have they actually admitted finding anything and have begun releasing photographic proof of possible life on Mars. It really does beg the question. Why now? Also, what else is Nasa hiding from the public?

Maybe, I have finally gone off the deep end but it seems that every single time there is political strife going on in the world. That is when the government chooses to release possible evidence to the world and now it appears that Nasa has jumped on the bandwagon as well. Is this just to divert the public’s attention from what is going on in the world? Or is there something more sinister going on here? Are they only releasing this little tidbit of information to pacify us while they hide the really big stuff? Or is there simply nothing else to tell? Or and I am once again playing devil’s advocate here what if these photos are really fake and they are just perpetuating the myth that we are not alone? Whatever their reasons. I personally believe Nasa knows way more than they are letting on.

Now I have watched a ton of episodes of Ancient Aliens I Will be the first to admit I am a little addicted to the show even though I don’t believe in aliens. In fact, I may be the first ever addicted to a show designed to make you believe in aliens that don’t believe in them. Yet, it keeps me enthralled.

There have been episodes on lei lines, portals, and even wormholes in space. Which I am not wholly sold on. There have also been episodes of great battles, possibly fought on Earth as well as in outer space. There are so many possibilities that it can make one dizzy to think about. Yet, the thought of statues and monuments on Mars that mirror our own makes me wonder what if?

I have either fallen down the rabbit hole completly or I’ve gone insane but after watching this particular episode my imagination has begun to run away with me. So I pose this question. What if Mars is in fact Earth? Just the future Earth and it has been somehow thrown through some kind of worm hole or other plane of existence and so it resides beside the current state of our planet? Not destroyed by some kind of galactic alien fight but by mankind itself.

Crazy thought, right? Or is it? We destroy one another at such a rapid pace nowadays that this is all we see on the news anymore. Is it so far fetched to think that maybe in the not so distant future we, not aliens will be what ends life on this planet?

We are currently seeking ways to colonize Mars in case we need an exit strategy. I say to this why don’t we stop looking at the heavens for answers and try to figure out how to save our planet now. So we don’t need that exit strategy. I’d really hate to see the look on humanities face when they have that ” planet of the Apes” moment when we finally get to Mars and it dawns on us that we are staring at our future. That we are gazing upon a planet we destroyed ourselves.

I am probably just spinning a tale here, but wouldn’t that make for one hell of a story.

I’m on the radio!!!!!!

Sooo, as you all know I published a book back in January. I self published I might add. Also back in May I did my very first ever reading of that book. I thought the hard part was over when I wrote the book but I am finding out that selling the book and just as importantly yourself is a whole different animal altogether. Since I am doing it all by myself coupled with the fact that I am a nobody in the writing community. I find it has been a bit more difficult than anticipated.

Add to this fact that I have absolutely no idea what I am doing it has been a fly by the seat of my pants kind of thing. It has been a remarkable learning experience for me.

I felt that I was stalled out on this after my reading and was getting frustrated. Then like a lightbulb going off in my head a couple of weeks ago. As if someone whispered the idea in my head. I reached out to a new friend I made at an open mike night last year that has his own radio show to see if he would plug my book. Thinking nothing would come of it I wad rather surprised when he actually invited me on his show to plug the book myself.

It took place on November 6th. Voting Tuesday! Yuck! At 7pm! It was remarkable and though I haven’t seen any results yet I know I touched a lot of people and that is what counts. For the 1st time since telling my story I feel like I have reached someone. For the 1st time in a long time I feel as though I have been heard. It was an amazing experience and one I would love to repeat over and over again. Here I go one step at a time.

The feed was streamed live through facebook youtube and it is still there if you guys want to check it out. I will add the link below. And please pass it on!!!!


I love watching ancient aliens. I love it so much that I like to analyze and break down each episode and think about it as if I were doing the show. Don’t get me wrong I do not believe in little green men but I do believe in a higher power. Over the years of watching this show it amazes me how closly the religious aspect and the science part of it all exist parallel to one another. What I find even more fascinating is that when they do touch on scripture or events that took place in the Bible they chalk it all up to myth or legend. “Hello! You just recited that one scripture that proves it was angels not aliens and you still don’t believe?”

Granted, angels could be construed as aliens in the most technical scence of the term. Yet, it still boggles my mind that these highly trained scholars are so dismissive of what is right in front of them. In almost every culture in ancient drawings and scripture there is talk of angels or messengers if you will. There is even talk of their offspring with the humans these giants of man. So why chalk it all up to aliens?

My oldest son and I discussed this at length last night and I think I figured out the reason. Our mere human minds cannot even pretend to comprehend the majesty of angels and all their possibilities and so what do we do when we cannot understand something. Especially those that have dedicated their lives to science. We pick apart the thread of truth that we know deep down inside our soul. Until there is nothing left but the idea of aliens.

I don’t think we are supposed to know everything there is to know but our curious nature will keep us guessing until our dying breath then all will be revealed.

Take the last episode I watched for example it was all about the moon. The guys on the show and other researchers and scientists have concluded that the moon was brought into our solar system. Just because it is the only one of it’s size, the only moon in our solar system that rotates the way it does around the earth, and because of it’s distance from the sun even though the sun is much bigger that can cause a lunar eclipse. They say it is to perectly aligned with our planet to not have been placed there by aliens. They have determined that it is a possibility that the moon is hollow! Back in the 70’s a rover of some sort was crash landed back to the moon and it caused a ringing sound like a bell and a vibration that went throughout the moon for about 45 minutes. They did it again later with something bigger and got an even bigger effect. The moon sounded out like a gong with vibrations lasting over 3 hours.

This coupled with the fact that the type of rock that exist on the moon that is made to absorb sound and the sheer thickness of every single crater that only go so deep into the ground. They are now saying that the moon is hollow. They have even gone so far as to say it is a possibility that the outer shell we see is a cover up and that there may be a thriving spaceship inside. We only ever see one side of the moon and now with this new theory they are saying it is a possibility that the “dark side” of the moon may be a thriving city of aliens. Keeping a secret watch over us earthlings! Really????

What I heard when I watched this show is that even the moon plays a much bigger roll than what we originally thought. What I hear when these guys talk about the moon being perfectly aligned and it being too perect to be a coincidence is that they are right just not in the way they think. The moon is part of a grand design just not by aliens.

In Genesis chapter one verse one it says that God created the heavens and the earth.

In verse 4 it talks about him creating the sun, the moon and the stars.

With all these alien seakers out there. My question is this. Why in these scriptures would God specifically speak of creating our earth and our moon sun and stars if there was other beings out there? The moon is his grand design because it is part of the make up of earth the only planet capable of having life thrive on it.

In those first four verses our entire world was created but I find it fascinating that those that could make a difference choose to chalk it all up to myth. Now I know that the books of the Bible were put together by man and even written by man. Yet, could they not also be historically accurate?

There are too many ancient depictions around the world proving its accuracy to dismiss it haphazardly. All I know is that whether it was “alien” made or made by God the moon is still a mystery to mankind in so many ways. Maybe one day it will reveal all of it’s secrets. Until then I gaze upon the man in the moon with a smile. He brings me comfort in my darkest hours. He lights up the night with his mischievous grin. He was here long before me and he will be here long after I am gone and that is all I need to know about this mystical moon.

Cloudy daze

The clouds roll in and linger over me like a blanket. Smothering me with their depressing taint. I now know there is no escaping my dark thoughts and they are becoming even darker still.

I can almost smell the rain that threatens to fall from their murky depths, my mood now fully matching the sky, I begin to weep.

In this moment, I am heartbroken, and utterly alone. My soul shattered into a million little pieces with no way of ever recovering.

I die a thousand tiny deaths over and over at the thought that you are gone. I keep telling myself one day I will be happy again.

However, right now there is no balm for my weathered soul. There is no cure for what ails me. It is just me amongst my demons.

Maybe one day the clouds will part and the sun will shine down upon me again but for now I take comfort in the pain. It brings me hope that I can still feel at all!