The Fool

I am the fool! In the sense that I too am about to walk off the edge of a cliff and while I have no earthly idea what lies below in the murky depths. I do know ( unlike the fool) that I am indeed going over the edge. I feel as if I am up against it! The walls are closing in and I have no choice but to jump. Into what, I do not know but I do know a change is coming. It feels like sandpaper on my skin. Rough and abrasive to the touch. Is this because I simply refuse to change? Or is something else happening entirely?
At times I feel I may drown in this pool of the unknown my fear of it has caused me to buck the system so to speak. The fool jumps in with both feet and eyes closed tight, ignorant of the possible pitfalls ahead. Yet, my eyes are fully opened and they scream danger, danger, as one foot dangles precariously over the edge.
Should I be as naive as the fool? Have I become so cynical that I can no longer see the possibilities the unknown provides?

I can feel the boulders now closing in scaping my arm as I fight against it as it draws closer to the edge. The sun fades behind it’s tremendous height and I am once again plunged into darkness. This, this is my fear,  dying alone in the darkness of my mind. I begin to admire the fool with all his warm innocent thoughts. I respect him for his bravery alone. Dare I follow him into the depths of the unknown? Without a net to catch me when I fall. Then it hits me… I have been brave before. I have been naive enough to follow my heart right over the edge,  many times. I have ignored all the negativity that comes with following your gut and even though it didn’t always pan out. It yielded spectacular memories I will cherish forever!
Why must I fight this change this leap into the unknown? Why do I have to be so stubborn? It hurts to resist, even more so than simply jumping ever could. Maybe it is time to take that leap again. Fly off into the abyss and close my eyes while doing so. I do feel excitement at the prospect of what could be.

Maybe I am exactly like the fool after all!

Card of the day- 7 of Pentacles

I have been on a Spiritual journey now for almost 2 years. I have been trying to get a grasp on learning to read tarot since April of 2019! I have been pulling a card of the day over the last couple of months. Today though, something told me to share today’s card of the day so here goes.

7 of Pentacles

I have been trying to read the cards through intuition instead of the book. I find the book that comes with any deck tends to hinder me. As I am always trying to read exactly like the book. However, I have come to realize I have very different takes on the cards from their “traditional” meanings. That is not necessarily a bad thing like I initially thought it was. Maybe my unique perspective will make others think outside the box and expand their way of thinking of how the cards should be.

So, when I look at this card I immediately hear, “plant the seeds and watch it grow. But remember in order to harvest your blessings. You must take that first step in planting the seeds. It makes me think of hard work and toiling away! The harder you work on your planting the sweeter the rewards.”

This is beautiful and speaks to me on so many levels. As I am learning tarot and often get frustrated because I am impatient. I tend to expect things to come to me easier than this has. I am always either trying to be to perfect in this situation or upset when I don’t pick up what a card is saying right away.

So, this card seems to be telling me to put in the work. Have a little faith and more patience because in the end my hard work will pay off!

This is what I see in this card. What do you guys see here…

I would love to see your comments on this card. Please comment or like and please share and as always sending you all love and light…

The Spiritual Traveller!