So, if you haven’t noticed I haven’t written in a while but no worries. I have been writing just not on WordPress. I thought I would share with you guys my week ahead tarot spread and see what you think. If you would like to see this as a regular thing let me know please and thank you.

For, the 3 card spread I normally do every week on my youtube channel souldreamer. I pull 3 cards one for the energy of the upcoming week. 2nd one for the obstacle of the week and the 3rd one for the advice for the week. So, here goes.


I always see this card as a lesser high priestess. She is intuitive and calm. She sits here meditating while the water, the element associated with the cups suit in tarot washes over her and cleansed her emotional state. I feel this applies to me for the energy since I had a major upheaval of emotions today. I can absolutely see this as something I need to continue to work on. My emotions. I need to be more like the Queen of Cups in this matter. I feel confident that this is my reminder to stay zen this week and get my ass back to meditating.


This card always reminds me of that little girl I used to be and sometimes still am. Feeling left out in the cold Feeling as if I have no where to turn and no way out. Stuck in a situation I am uncomfortable with. However, this card has seemed to remind me quite often this year that I am not that little girl anymore. There is nothing to fear, but fear itself. I have the key to open the door to new possibilities I just have to unlock the door and walk through.


This card (especially in this deck) always seems to remind me of a young girl at college studying various things. Not yet knowing what she will major in. I find this very fitting as I have recently taken up some classes of my own. At 44 I am back in school. Wow, still kind of boggles my mind. However, unlike this girl I know exactly what I want and this card is my ever reminder that I need to do the work to get what I want. No matter how tedious it seems. I have to put in the work. THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS TO SUCCESS!

This was my week ahead spread what do you guys think? I am also leaving the link to my youtube video below so you can watch it if you want to as well. Thanks for letting me ramble and have a good night.

The Spiritual Explorer