
You know how love is like those songs you hear. You know the ones I”m talking about, I love you truly madly deeply or how about let’s describe our love using one word. Incredible, or Love me like you do. What about those movies that show how they hate each other but then fall in love, or the guy that didn’t know she was the one until the end and realizes love was here all the time, or my favorite of all time. You complete me.(oh brother). Well all those songs and movies are good, but I call bullshit. What happens after the happily ever after in Cinderella anyway? Or after the princess kisses the frog? No one ever continues with that story and I will tell you why? It’s shit. The meet cute and the fairy tale endings are just to make blockbusters. That is all well and good, but the reality of it is relationships take work. If you are not sweating and working hard at it your not doing it right. I love my husband but God sometimes, I could throttle him with my bare hands.When I was younger there was all this pressure to meet someone, a good provider. That was his only requirement in my parents eyes. What the hell were they thinking. I mean don’t get me wrong a good provider is a plus, but what the hell? This is the day and age where women have flown into outer space, became lawyers, doctors, and anything else their little heart desires. Then answer me this why are we still sterotyped as needing a man to fullfill our lives. In so many ways the good wives are the backbone of this country and yet it is still the man’s job to be the provider and protector. I have a daughter I did not raise her due to circumstances, I had to give her up for adoption. She is now 19 years old, the age I was when I had her. She is now in the Army a perfect example of anything a man can do we can do. Maybe even better. Contrary to popular believe we women are not emotional crazy nut jobs. We are poised, smart,and at times more militant than a man ever could be. We just think different than men that’s all. Where as most of the time they think with their dicks we think with our brains, and yet sometimes when our cubs or our territory is threatened we may lash out like a mama Lion. That is not crazy it is the built in instinct of a woman. A woman in love is the most dangerous animal there is. It would be nice if we had a man at our side as a partner in crime so to speak. The key word here is partner. We women love with our whole heart, we live to the fullest and if we are not we are doing an injustice to ourselves. We are falling into that very sterotype that kept us from excelling like men do at every turn. I am not dogging men here. but come on ladies wake up stop hiding behind your men and come out of the shadows. Did you know the first Women’s Liberation movement was in 1971 in London. That was even before I was born,and I’m getting up there. There is no fairytale unless you make one, there is no happily ever after unless you write it. There will always be that stereotype unless we all make a difference and break it. Maybe some Women like that they are taken care of. Everybody does at some point in life. Unless you are at a point in your life like me I want to be able to say no babe I got the check this time. You can bet the Princess and Cinderella did not get their happy endings, then just sat around eating bon bons all day. No they worked to keep their happily ever afters. I want to hear that story. I want to hear how Cinderella chased screaming kids all day, and how she did the laundry, the cooking, the cleaning, the carpooling and the play dates and still found time to help run a country. I want to hear how after her long hard day the princess  was to tired to have sex with the Prince, and it had been so long she had lost count of when the last time they did it was. She just wanted and extra twenty minutes of sleep. No one ever tells that story. Why, because no one wants to hear that the woman does it all. That maybe the reason we are deemed (emotional) is because we have a lot on our plates every single day.  You know the saying behind every good man there is a woman, well it’s not a joke,  it’s  true.  I will admit that I have been sleep walking through my life. For all of my marriage I have been content to let my spouse run things and be the provider and protector. No longer. A friend told me recently (you know who you are) that we only have one life to live so why not live it to the fullest. Why not, I thought it was a very powerful wake up call. I mean I love my life but when did I settle for ordinary. When did I give up all of my hopes and dreams for someone else, no wonder I am depressed all the time and don’t know why. I am not following my dreams and aspirations. Well that stops here. I can no longer put that particular genie back in the bottle, now that realized I had suffed it in the bottle to begin with. I asked myself recently is this it for you is this life going to make you happy. The answer was as clear as day it was a resounding Hell no!  I am woman hear me roar. I need a man by my side not to walk in front of me. I don’t need a warden or a father ( I have one of those). I don’t need a protector (that’s what mace was invented for). I want to drive up the coast of Argentina, I want scale Mount Killimanjaro, I want to get lost in the Outback, or just laze in the Wine country. We need to break this steroytpe of bare foot and pregnant taking care of the kids and the men. This is our life too. I encourage any woman out there who has stumbled like me to look at yourself.  To question everything. I encourage you to step out of the shadow of your man and take charge of your life. Remember you are not alone. There are thousands of women out there that are in the exact same situation. Ecourage your daughters to be all they can be and then some. This is a day of reckoning. Losing yourself is the worst feeling in the world. I encourage you to follow your dreams and don’t let life get in the way. You are a Princess,and a Lioness, and a Bitch. Be proud of who you are and Go For It.

Slim Pickings Part 13

As they buried Max in her back yard she was still sniffing. She was a little miffed that the last couple of days had turned her into an emotionally distraught girl. Her dad would be rolling over in his grave right now, at the thought of her crying like a ninny over Max’s death. It wasn’t the fact that is was Max in particular but everything in general, she just watched no less than an hour ago this man die in her home, her sanctuary. She didn’t think she could ever go back into that house. It’s a good thing she had the Mansion her dad was finishished building on the other end of the property. He had just finished building it, and he and mom were contemplating what furniture they should put in it when they were killed. Determined not to cry she sniffed again. He had built that house for her mother, he had loved her so much, when she told him of her dream to one day own her very own Mansion, he had started on it that day. Unfortunately that was the day Carolyne had made her grand entrance into the world, and the house was put on hold for a time. They didn’t care they loved their little girl to death. She had had a good and loving home she started to sniff again. She need to change her thought process she didn’t need the waterworks, again. Just as Sam and Seth finished putting the last of the dirt on the grave and packing it,  the sky opened up and it began to rain for the first time in weeks. Hopefully that meant no more heat wave thank God. Sam said” Ready to go” as he came over and put his arm around her shoulders. She had already packed up her things she wanted to keep, from her tiny little home she grew up in and one lone tear fell from her eye. It wasn’t like she would be leaving forever, it was still part of her property. Yet she had the distinct feeling that she would never see this house again. She was looking forward to her future with Sam he told her he was going to move in the mans with her if it was ok, and bring in (security) whatever that means, even if it was just for her protection. What a difference a couple of days made, she was moving into the house her father had built for the woman he loved, with the man she loved. Her cell phone started to ring she looked at it and realized it was Angie, she had missed twelve calls from her. She hit call back later. She suddenly felt so guilty, there had been so much going on in the last forty-eight hours she forgot to call her friend. She couldn’t call her now, with everything she had to say she had a feeling she would need a little face time with her. She was still processing everything Max had said. Trust no one, there are many more of them and they wouldn’t stop until they were all dead. How many more of whom, and they wouldn’t stop until who was dead? Shifters? Humans? There were so many new questions and so few answers, as usual. She needed to know and would not stop until she found them, she had a feeling Sam would be right there with her. They climbed into Sam’s Jeep. She pointed out the back road to the (Big House), and off they went, they rode in silence the rain pelting down was so soothing she was going to sleep for a week after all this. After about five miles into nothing but woods the dirt path opened up into a concrete circle drive that led up to a beautiful stone pathway, and the most beautiful house she had ever seen. She had forgotten just how beautiful it was, she stepped out of the Jeep and her breath caught had it really been seventeen years since she had laid eyes on it. “Holy shit” Seth said your pop sure knew what he was doing. ” Yup”  Sam said “You should be proud of him”.  “I am proud” she said turning to look at him. She grabbed his hand and gave him a come hither look. She said ” Come on my, Wolf let’s go start the rest of our lives together”. As they walked hand in had into their new home.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   A month later                                                                                                                                                                                                                     It had been a hell of a month. The house was  finally getting in order, it had nothing in it when she and Sam had moved in, now there was furniture praise God. What was weird though as they went from room to room investigating the house, there was little things her father had done to it. It was as if he was preparing for an Apocalypse  or something. There were cameras everywhere all over the property and even in the bathrooms.They had yet to find an actual security room. The house had a west wing and an east wing. Wow she lived in a house with wings. She couldn’t believe the sheer size of this monster. She had been dusting for what felt like several months and still hadn’t even made it off the first floor. She was curious about so many things there were emblems all over the house that were strange. She had been looking them up on the net to see what they meant. More questions because she had never found a thing. What did they mean?  How did her dad know what they meant? Speaking of her dad, she didn’t want to think about what Max said about him to much or she would start crying, she had had enough tears. She was looking toward her future. She finally had her (talk with Angie), and she took the news very well, that she was living in a small town with Shifters. In fact she took it to well, she was fascinated by the whole idea of Wolves in town. She had joked that if she cold get used to the idea of living in a town called Slim Pickings, she could get used to anything. She was coming over a lot lately. Carolyne wondered if it had anything to do with Seth, now living here too. They were always giving each other looks when they thought no one could see them. Sam came into the room and said” Hey did you know there was a secret staircase underneath the big stairs” “What” she said confused. ” Come on let me show you” , he said reaching for her hand and pulling her out of the room. “Did you ever find the floor plans to this place” he said. “No I assumed he didn’t have any since the only three people in the world that knew it was here was him, my mom , and I” she said. As they walked closer to the stairs she saw it then, the door panel he found and had popped open under the  staircase. This place just got way crazier. She stepped inside the small nook and saw about twelve stone stairs going straight down, what could possibly be down there she thought. She had him get her a flashlight. As she shined a light on the wall at the foot of the stairs she gasped. There was clearly a very sophisticated code panel on the wall along with retina scan and fingerprint scan. “What the hell dad”, she whispered. She stepped closer and ran her hand over the fingerprint scanner. Suddenly the wall lit up. She jumped as a mechanical voice that sounded eerily, like her father said ” Welcome Carolyne, you have thirty seconds to scan your retina” she looked at Sam with a questioning look and mumbled ” Well, when in Rome”. She bent down and a bright green beam scanned her eye. She flinched as a loud humming sound started and the wall simply melted away. She now stood before a large room that looked like it was straight out of a sci fi flick. “Oooookkkkaaaay” she said, as she stepped into the room, things just got interesting…………..

Slim Pickings Part 12

Carolyne stepped out into the spacious living room armed and dangerous. Sam, never thought she looked hotter. He followed behind her, head spinning. How the hell did this beauty from small town Slim Pickings have an arsenal in her closet? The bigger question was why? She radiated danger and hotness. She was determined to break this thug if it was the last thing she did. He didn’t disagree she deserved to know the story behind her parents death. She stepped closer to the man she had dubbed Igor and slapped him hard. He spun his head back around to her, glaring, gray wolf eyes. “Now Igor we can do this the easy way or the hard way your choice”. He spit daggers at her and spoke for the first time ” You know, little girl I think when I get free I am going to kill you first and make your boyfriend here watch” he hissed out. Instead of shrinking back she got face to face with him and said “I guess it’s the hard way then” as she jabbed the needle into the exact spot on his neck, she had stabbed him earlier. He yowled in pain but couldn’t move due to his restraints. She laughed then, a menacing laugh. It sent chills down Sam’s spine. He was so glad she was on his side. “Now tell me when I’m getting warm, you killed my parents, you tried to kill the man I love several times and to top it off you kidnapped me, am I right. Igor spit at her but the drugs were starting to set in, the spit just dribbled down his scraggly beard. “Cat got your tongue, or do I need to let the wolf have it. You might as well spill all” she said running her blade down his front popping buttons as she went toying with him “because one way or another you will answer my questions” she whispered as she stabbed  him in the leg with the blade. He screamed a blood curdling scream leaving the knife in his leg she just smiled a wicked evil grin. “You know you have no one to blame but yourself for my actions, killing off and trying to kill off everyone I have ever loved, then the kidnapping has finally pushed me to my limit” she said sounding bored. “So Igor tell me what is your real name, let’s start there”. He sputtered out “you don’t want to know,who I am ,you won’t be able to handle it”  “she looked at him skeptical said “Try me” as she leaned closer to him and looked him in his eyes, he visibly flinched. She could tell her father’s torture tactics were starting to work. Begging her he said “Please take the knife out”.”Oh begging already” she smirked, “I’ll tell you what Igor if you tell me your real name I will take out the knife” He looked at her like he wasn’t sure if she was going to hold up her end of the deal. ” Ok” he grated out now sweat pouring off his forehead. “My name is Max Dunbar”  he said for everyone to hear. She gasped and the look on her face was one of confusion. “My dad’s old partner Max Dunbar, but ,but he died before I was born”. She stuttered out. ” No your dad  lied to you about so many things girl, forty years ago while in the CIA we got recruited into a secret government program. “It was the testing and killing of Werewolves” he said as he looked at Sam for the first time since she started torturing him. “Lies” she said  “My father would never allow anything so sinister to happen” she shouted now glaring at him. “Your right” he said “but the father you had and the man I was partnered with so long ago were two very different men. ” He was a soldier first and foremost and the government had lied to us they said that the Wolves were unnatural creatures, that they were a science experiment gone wrong. So we did what we did to protect our fellow Americans” he took a breath and continued. “There was an accident one day, I got bit by a Wolf it was crazy and attacking anything that moved. By the time he was put down it was to late for me I was already starting to turn. Due to the chemicals in the Wolf’s system we had been pumping into him, I received some pretty odd side effects that turned out to be not side effects, but now part of my DNA. There are parts of me now that will never be human again” he stated. ” Your father was supposed to take me to the woods and dispose of me, but when it came time to do it, he couldn’t. He let me go the stupid son of a bitch, instead he immediately retired and  forgot all about it. I had to kill him, don’t you see, I found him after all those years, he was happy with a wife and daughter about to graduate high school, it was like he had never been apart of the horrible things we had done”. She sat back on her heels on the floor in front of him, “you are crazy aren’t you” she whispered. ” You could have gotten help, why kill the only man that would have understood” Before he could answer a shot fired through the window and Sam threw her to the floor. Saying “I’m ok “she looked up to  find Max wasn’t, he was bleeding from a gaping wound in his chest. She screamed ” No” and lunged  to stop the blood that was now gushing in between her fingers. He whispered something she couldn’t understand, and came closer until she was a hair from his mouth. “Soooo beautiful” he whispered, “there are many, many more of them they will not stop until your all dead, trust no one”. As he said the last, he slumped forward having bled out literally in her hands. “Well, I got some answers, but there are many, more questions now” as she burst into tears, again………

Slim Pickings Part 10

Carolyne  was roused by the sound of gunfire very near her ear. She tried to sit up and almost passed out her head hurt like a son of a bitch, and her whole body felt like she had been through a wood chipper. She was lying on a tiled kitchen floor that looked like it was the first tile ever laid in history. It was riddled with holes and pealing at the edges of the small kitchen. She slowly looked around at the rest of the room she was lying between the cabinets to her left and a half wall that looked like it went into and open living room on her right. The good news whoever had taken her couldn’t see that she was now awake, the bad news she couldn’t see him either.She finally looked down at herself clothes torn and bleeding from multiple cuts down her arms and legs she started to shake. She realized the idiot that took her didn’t tie her up or anything he just tossed her on the floor like so much garbage. Probably thinking she was just a pretty blonde that was to stupid to fend for herself. Mistake one, she was her father’s only child and instead of wishing she were a boy had taught her how to fight, hunt and fend off idiots. He had essentially turned her into a boy and she didn’t regret a second of it, especially in this moment. She was drawn back to the rat tat tat of the guns going off and could tell by their clicking the machine guns were running out of bullets. What the hell was he shooting at, then her blood ran cold. The last thing she remembered before passing out was the sound of howling. Sam had surely found them and now this maniac was shooting at him aggressively. Hell no she thought, she just had the best sex of her life and there was no way she was losing Sam to this nut job. He was her mate after all, she planned on making him regret it for the rest of their lives and she planned on living a long time. She slowly looked around for anything she could use as a weapon in the dingy little kitchen it was pretty sparse. She spied a glimmer of something shiny underneath the tile about two feet away. She scooted over to it and began slowly pulling away the tile. There was a small slender dagger just there. As she wiggled it out keeping one ear on the rest of the house double checking for any new noises, she couldn’t believe her lucky stars. Who the hell would keep a knife under their kitchen floor. She finally, with the little dagger in her hand raised up fully she sidled up next to the half wall and slowly, slowly peeked around the corner all the while trying not to throw up or pass out. She saw the living room with an old overstuffed chair that looked like it had been through hell and back with rips all through it the white cotton guts spilling out as if they were escaping. There was a battered scratched up coffee table that had seen better days and standing lamp  the shade shredded and falling off the light bulb. There were huge marks all over the walls, omg she realized those were claw marks and judging from the height they had to come from someone very tall, like the cloaked figure standing at the window watching her mate get shot at. He was at least six-five he wore an old black duster that was dragging the floor and an old crumpled fedora. His long stringy hair was coming out of the ponytail he had it in and he looked for all the world like a serial killer. She had a sudden urge to comb that mess, but then shuddered at the thought of touching it. Her head was still pounding but the adrenaline coursing through her was beating back the urge to vomit. This was a fight or flight moment and she was determined to fight, even after realizing this man must be a shifter too. She should be scared terrified even, but her daddy didn’t raise no pussy. Just thinking of her dad sent her into a simmering rage. This bastard had the nerve to kill her parents, try to kill the man she loved repeatedly, and kidnap her. Oh hell no, he was gonna be one dead puppy. She slowly stood and crept toward him with a stealth she hadn’t known she possessed. He was so distracted by all the gunfire and whatever was going on outside to realize she now stood right behind him knife poised. She looked for an opening and saw one has he leaned closer to the window his hair moved and his neck was revealed. Before she could think she stabbed him in the neck, with a yowl he grabbed for his neck and swung around to face her, Eyes already changing into a wolf. She let out a yelp as she yanked out the knife blood instantly spurting from his wound she   ran for the door, not letting go of the knife in case she needed it again. Just as she reached the door the guns stopped, she heard snarling behind her. she was not going to look back she ran towards the daylight, she ran so fast you would have thought the hounds of hell were on her ass. As she stepped off the porch she heard snarling in front of her, what, how could he have gotten in front of her so fast. Then she saw him her wolf and his brother both in Wolf attire, they were pissed. Sam angled his head to the side as if to say go hide. ” No my Wolf I said we are finishing this once and for all” she spit out. “I think I stabbed him in the carotid artery so he’s hu… before she could finish a Wolf crashed through the door the  size of a Pinto. Hell was this guy on steroids or what. He was swaying,  he stopped at the front of the porch. He had graying patches and looked like he was sick. Maybe it was the blood loss, but somehow she didn’t think so.He stumbled a little and fell to the ground. Shifting back to his human self Sam walked over to him. “Don’t” she cried. “It’s ok” he said “he passed out”. Now let’s get him patched up so we can get some answers” said Sam, in a menacing tone. Something told her this guy’s life span was depending on how long he was willing to hold out on those answers. It was going to be a long torturous night……

Slim Pickings Part 11

By the time they got Igor (as she was affectionately calling her abductor) back to her house and restrained, Carolyne was exhausted. She went to the shower to get away from everything and to feel normal for a while. She was finding it hard to believe that just twenty- four hours ago her life had been turned upside down and changed forever. She turned on the water and while she waited for it to get warm looked at herself in the tiny mirror above her sink. She looked terrible, her hair was now a thick mess of leaves ,twigs, and matted dried blood. She had a bluish black bruise down her left check where she passed out after finding Sam the Wolf in her bed and there were tiny cuts all over her arms and shoulders that were now dried and hardened. One lone tear traced down her face she had been through a lot in the last twenty-four hours and the stress of it all was taking its toll. The mirror started to steam which meant her water was ready. She stepped into the spray and flinched it felt like a  thousand tiny razors blades hitting her flesh where all the cuts were. She sat in the back of the tub brought her knees up to her chest and started sobbing. She cried for her parents, she cried for Sam, and she cried for her body that felt like it was broken. With these cuts opening up her flesh, opened up old wounds of her parents death, she thought were healed. I guess losing a loved one you never really stop mourning, she thought. She was so busy crying she didn’t hear Sam come in the door. He pulled the shower curtain wider and his heart plummeted. The woman he loved was in pieces , gently rocking a sobbing.He stopped short, the woman he loved wow the realization that he really did love her hit him like a ton of bricks. He knelt down by the tub and gently pulled her arms away from her knees, she looked up into his beautiful eyes and began to cry harder. She reached up and clung to him, she would never let him go the thought of almost losing him even before she had the chance to love him chilled her. “It’s ok honey, I’m here now” he said “I will never let anything bad happen to you again” he croaked out. She stopped crying to look into his eyes and saw the shimmering light of tears. She realized he was terrified he would lose her too. “I love you” she blurted out before she could help herself. He smiled and said “I love you too. I have loved you all my life you are my heart Carolyne and no one is going to try and take you away from me again”. ” Is that your wolf talking or you” she whispered.  He gently lifted her chin up to meet her eyes.”That is the man and the wolf talking for we are one and the same” he stated simply. She half smiled and before she could think further he kissed her gently and tenderly. She was instantly aflame with desire, As his tongue gently stroked the inside of her mouth she pictured it stroking other parts. All to quickly he released her and set her away from him. ” I am trying to be a gentleman, your hurt but man what you do to me” he said tone gone husky. Having said that her eyes dropped to his crotch where in fact she could tell he was very affected. He turned the shower off and plugged the tub so it would fill up. “I can however give you a bath to clean you up” his tone dropping another octave. Why did she have a feeling she was in for a treat. “I am very, very dirty” she said voice gone husky as well. ” Silence, if you keep talking dirty to me I won’t be able to restrain myself” he said sharply. She gave him a dirty look but the smile that quirked at the corners of her mouth told him she was teasing him. He made quick work of her hair gently lathering and scrubbing away all the blood and gunk from her hair. They both winced  when he grazed the goose egg on her head from being knocked out. “Sorry” he muttered but continued. He lathered up her puff she had laying there with soap that smelled of honeysuckle and lavender. As he started gently soaping her up, with one hand the other hand began to travel. Caressing her gorgeous breasts along the way to that sweet nectar he was searching for. She was already moaning from his fingers touching, but when he grazed her clit she was almost outdone. He probed her outer walls with his index finger and found she was already wet for him. He smiled and leaned over to clasp one bright beaded nipple in his hot mouth covering and sucking as his fingers found there way inside her. His fingers were sliding in and out of her slick hotness. as he made love to her breast with his mouth. The gentleness and the tenderness of his actions were to much to handle. She came with a slow steady heat starting at her belly and rising, as she opened her mouth to scream he covered her mouth with his swallowing her scream into his Wolf. She must have passed out for a second in the aftermath because, when she became aware of everything again she was clean, and he was letting the water drain. He helped her stand and wrapped a big white towel around her, that had just materialized out of nowhere. He helped her dry off and bandage all of her cuts. He brushed her hair and left it down. She could get used to this side of Sam, she had never seen his gentle side before. He helped her get dressed, she let him pick out the clothes. It was interesting the things he chose to pick out for her. she had on worn daisy dukes a half tank that barely covered her breasts, and cowboy boots, and of course she gleaned by now he loved her waist length hair down so that’s the way it stayed. Look at her already changing her style for her man. Who was she becoming? She didn’t care, she knew from here on out she was in for a hell of a ride. She stood and went to the back of her closet. “What are you doing” he said confused. “I have a panic room back here, full of weapons of mass, destruction or torture” she snickered. She pushed some buttons on the back wall and a door opened up to reveal a small armory. She wasn’t joking there was every gun you could think of, with all the ammo to match. There was a whole wall of just knives, some of those blades were pretty wicked looking. Who was this woman he loved? Seeing this room turned him on. “Where? What? I don’t even know what to say to this” he said. “close your mouth wolf and suit up” She said as she took out a case full of needles and vials of different colored liquids. She picked a blue one and started, adding it to a syringe. She looked at him then with a new determination on her face. “Truth serum, we will get this mother fucker to talk one way or another” she stated. She finished with the serum and loaded up a couple of handguns in her boots, in her bra and lethal looking blade in her hand. She was loaded for bear. as he quickly added a couple of guns and a knife to his attire, following after her he said”God I love you”. she whipped around to smile  that brilliant smile at him and shut the panic room door. With  the knife in one hand and the syringe in another she said “Have you ever heard a pig squeal Sam” as he shook his head in awe, she said “Well we are going to go make a Wolf squeal”, as they headed back into the living room. He shivered at her menacing tone and thought thank God she was on his side, he was going to enjoy every minute of this……….

Slim Pickings Part 9

In the midst of Sam fighting Seth  he heard a muffled scream in the yard and the fresh smell of blood assaulted him. Carolyne he thought. He vaguely remembered her saying she was going for a walk while he and Seth tore her small kitchenette up. He was pissed that his brother had the nerve to talk to his mate like he had, he had to show him who was the Alpha male here. He raced outside and as soon as he hit the door he smelled it. The thick smell of ozone and death. Whoever killed her parents and tried to kill him, had her. His blood ran cold. He started howling as he followed the scent at a dead run he could feel Seth close behind now howling too. He ran for all he was worth with one thought in mind let her still be alive, if one hair on her head was harmed he would rip someone to shreds. Today was the day he would get some answers and finally lay to rest all of those involved. He slowed down to a trot the scent became so overpowering he started choking. He shifted back into his human self and crept around some bushes, ahead there was a clearing with an old dilapidated log cabin. He had tromped through these woods for years, how the hell had he never come upon this place. He strained to hear anything the silence was deafening. There wasn’t even any birds chirping, there was nothing. That was weird, where was all the wildlife that should have been about. His brother had shifted back and now scooted next to him, “How we gonna do this bro, I am ready to end this”. His thought exactly, with murder on his mind he was glad he and his brother were on the same page. “I don’t know he could have the whole place wired to blow, or have set booby traps all the way around the perimeter, the only goal is to get Carolyne out safe before the bloodshed begins” he whispered. ” Why don’t you shift and go around the back very carefully and see how close you can get to the windows to look in and see what you can see” he said. ” I got you” Seth said, as he began to shift back to his wolf. He took off like a shot around the left side of the house toward the back. Sam did not shift but starting working his way around the house through the bushes to the right. If everything went well he should meet his brother in the back. As he crept he turned his wolf eyes toward the windows , it was so dark in there he couldn’t make out anything. He stopped midway to the back he just picked up her scent, she smelled of fear and blood, lots of blood. His blood boiled someone was definitely going to die today. He just hoped he or Carolyne wasn’t part of the body count. He started toward the back of the house again realizing the danger was now greater, she could be bleeding out for all he knew he started shaking with pure rage. He needed to stay focused it would not bode well for Carolyne if he ran in half cocked. He finally worked his way around the back and met up with Seth who was now peeking into the small window. He saw Sam and moved toward him carefully. ” There seems to be only one guy in there but I couldn’t see where Carolyne is located” he said. “We can take him out” Seth said almost vibrating with the thought of killing this guy. “No, let’s go back to the front we need to find out  where she is first” he said. ” Wait didn’t you smell her we need to get in there now man” Seth said as he looked at his big brother confused. ” I know I can smell her too, but we can’t go in all guns a blazing if we cannot find her, don’t tell me what I need to do she is my mate” he said through clenched teeth. ” I know she’s your mate, but if we don’t get in there soon you may not have a mate for long” Seth said. As he was about to reply to that remark, Sam  heard a very light moaning sound right around the side of the house where he originally picked up her scent. He and Seth made their way back to the front where they had started. He could tell by the sound of her moaning and where this guy was located he wasn’t near her in the house. He said” Fuck it, let’s do something this fucker would never expect, let’s head for the front door”. They headed for the front door, about twenty feet from the front door bullets started flying. Suddenly there seemed to be a hundred guns on the porch and they were going off in random succession. As they dove  for the ground all Sam could hear was the rat tat tat, rat tat tat of the guns as the bullets whizzed by his head………..

Slim Pickings Part 8

“What the fuck did you just say to me” she bellowed now nose to nose with him her face colored with rage. He could tell she was pissed off. He slowly got out of his chair and cautiously moved toward her. “Nope, Winchester you stay right there and explain to me what you meant by MATE”  she said in a very controlled, calm voice. He knew by that tone it was only a matter of time before she exploded into full blown rage.” I am sorry but the thought of you in danger, caused me to blurt out what I was going to explain to you before you decided your going to go all bad ass and try to take out the very same people that took out your parents and nearly me” he said voice gone soft. She could see he was upset, he was actually shaking she didn’t know if that was from terror,or just plain old rage at the thought of losing her. “Ok, Wolf explain right now or get out of my house forever”. she seethed. “That is what I was going to explain” he said, ” even if I wanted to my Wolf would never let me”. He looked at her beautiful face for what seemed like a hundred times in the last twenty-four hours to gage her reactions once again. He blurted everything out at once so she wouldn’t have time to run. ” We shifters mate for life and once my wolf realized you were his he marked you”  As he was saying all of  this she touched her collarbone remembering that bite that caused her to have the best and longest orgasm of her life.” She was instantly wet just from the memory. Suddenly he lifted his head and smelled the air. Could he sense what she was thinking, as if he could read  her mind he said with a hoarse voice” I can smell your desire for me Mrs. Wolf, that’s why the wolf has a long nose the better to smell you with my dear”  She jerked her head up to meet his eyes and saw that they were turning, he looked at her with those Wolf eyes and she shivered, it was as if he could see into her soul. She was suddenly very hot, she was betting it had nothing to do with the weather. It was like she had liquid fire in her loins. Clearing his throat Seth said “If you two are done ogling each other we need to get back to the matter at hand”. Looking away from those beautiful eyes, she blushed, embarrassed she turned away from both men to clear her head. Why was she mad again, oh yeah ” just because we slept together doesn’t mean you can claim me like some, some Caveman”. she hissed. “Alright knock it off” Seth said glaring at both of them. ” He has loved you since grade school, but you always acted like you were to good for him so, he did what any man would do he treated you like shit. Now his Wolf has claimed you the Wolf will only claim one mate in his lifetime, so you are stuck with each other learn to love him and put him out of his misery already. The sooner you accept that the better off you will be”. he gushed out. This time she turned daggers at him ” I don’t have to accept any…..” before she could finish her sentence a blur flew by her and attacked Seth. It was her Wolf, what, did she just refer to Sam as her Wolf. Wow she guessed she had already accepted him as hers without even realizing it. She now had to break up a fight between Seth and him before he killed his own brother she turned around to face them and Seth had now shifted he was  the most beautiful grey like the sky in late afternoon just before a storm with his already blue eyes now a piercing blue like the deep blue of the ocean. Now tearing up her kitchen and brawling like a couple of wild dogs she said” Fuck it, if you two are going to act like a couple of dogs then I am going for a walk, but you two are paying for any damages to it” She  opened the screen door with a creak mumbling the whole time about boys. she didn’t see the board until it was too late, someone just hit her in the head with a two by four WTF. Going in and out of consciousness she could tell she was being dragged through the woods by her right arm, hitting every rock, stick and thorn along the way. She fought to stay awake as she looked up to see the sun peaking through the trees she could tell by the position of the sun it had only been about half an hour. Her head was bleeding she could tell by the warm stickiness oozing down her cheek, she could feel the jagged cuts marring her skin as she was being dragged, inky black dots danced in her eyeline, and she fought the urge to throw up. She definitely had a concussion. She need to see a doctor, if she lived long enough that is. In the distance she could hear howling, she prayed it was Sam finally realizing she was being abducted, and coming after her. Protect her with his life, well he was doing a bang up job so far, was the last thought she had before the darkness claimed  her……

Slim Pickings Part 7

Carolyne woke again, this time to the sound of voices. “What the hell” she said. This waking up to the sound of other people in her house was becoming a habit. She did not approve. She sat up an realized she was still completely nude. After their first tryst in the living room, they had moved to the bedroom, after she had come to, they had made love three more times. Man that Wolf was insatiable. She still hadn’t gotten any answers, every time she would start to approach the subject he distracted her with more sex. Damn that wolf. She knew he was still here but who was with him she quickly dressed and walked into the living room where Sam was, he turned and  smile at her and when he did so she saw behind him his brother Seth. Seth smiled at her and said ” Hi CC. As she waved back in a hello. She heard a low growl emanating from Sam, giving his brother a death glare. “Oh stop” Seth said “I just said hi to her for crying out loud”. “Well HE didn’t like it” Sam said still glaring. Carolyne guessed he was talking about the wolf. She had snuck out of the room to look up Wolves on the net last night and found that Wolves and Sam had a lot in common. Apparently Seth saying hi to her had riled his Wolf and he felt his territory threatened. The thought of her being his territory excited and  pissed her off. “So someone please explain to me what has been going on here”. she said as she went to get some coffee that Sam had already made, she could get used to that. Making her cup she sat at the tiny table in her small kitchenette. As she sipped Sam and Seth took the other two chairs. Sam reached for her hand and starting rubbing it. She pulled away that is how the last two times they had had sex started, if she was going to need a clear head she needed to not be touching him. He looked hurt for a moment, then he schooled his face so quickly she thought maybe she imagined it. “First off my brother is here in case you decide I am lying to you, and if for some reason you get pissed at me, he might be able to calm you down. She looked at him with a smirk and said “I already told you I would listen, just spill it”. He said “ok here goes, as you know by now I am a Werewolf, well the correct term is Shifter” he said so low she almost had to strain to here him. “Ah, could you speak up a little she said” starting to look aggravated. ” He cleared his throat in a louder tone and continued ” As you know I am a Shifter and someone has been trying to kill me, I don’t know who but I am on their trail. “I had some blood drawn to test it for toxins, and found that I have been poisoned, that is why I showed up here after one of my nightly runs during a full moon with no memory of what had happened and how I got here”. He looked at her then to judge how she was taking this information. “Why would anyone try to kill you” she said. “That’s what Seth and I are trying to figure out, but I need to tell you there was a familiar scent there when I was shot, I have been racking my brain trying to figure it out and today I remembered the scent. “I don’t know if you know this or not but I investigated the scene of your parents accident it seemed fishy to me, so Seth and I looked into it” “The same scent was at the scene of their accident that was there yesterday when I was shot”. “Which means the same person or persons that shot me, also killed your parents”. with tears in her eyes she grabbed his hand again this time holding on for dear life. “Are you kidding me” she choked out determined not to let them see her cry.”I knew there was something, wrong with that whole scene”. “I’m in, I want to help find the bastard or bastards and take them out”. “No, Seth and I are handling this, my priority is to keep you safe”. “Keep me safe what are you my dad” she yelled as she jumped out of her chair irritated. “No but damn it you are my mate and I will do anything to keep you safe even die for you”. ” What did you just say” she said her tone turning lethal. Oops! He thought realizing they hadn’t discussed the whole mate for life thing. HERE WE GO………

Slim Pickings Part 5

Carolyne woke to the sound of dishes clanking together. Who the hell was in the house, doing her dishes no less. She looked at the clock on the side table it said eleven- thirty and judging by the stars peeking through her window it was night. Damn it had she slept all day. She sat up and a towel that had apparently been on her forehead fell to her lap. It looked familiar as she picked it up the whole sordid day came flooding back. It was the same towel she put on Sam to chill is fever. After she had taken out all of the bullets  in his beautiful body. Then a bit hazy a memory began to focus in on the giant Wolf that was in fact right here in her very bed. She jumped to her feet and looked over the bed half expecting it to still be there. Did she imagine it or was she really losing her mind? As she looked over the pillows there was a tuft of coal black fur. As she picked it up a shiver ran through her just the memory of those green eyes focused on her that seem to say the better to see you with my dear made her stiffen in terror, and excitement. Did she really see Sam as a Wolf it made sense his bad temperament, and the scent of him that always smelled like earth and rain. Wow she was losing it, maybe she was hallucinating things again, Sam a werewolf nah. Then how did she explain the tuft of hair in her hand. A commotion outside the room drew her attention away and she crept closer to the door. Slowly Carolyne opened the door to take a peek outside the room. There  he was Sam Winchester and  for the first time in twenty-four hours with clothes on. “What do you think you are doing in my house now” she bellowed. He stopped and turned around to face that gorgeous face of hers. “Why, I was waiting on you sleeping beauty”. he said with that sexy grin that simultaneously made her want to slap the shit out of him and rape him. “Why are you here.” she grated out,while rolling her eyes. “Is this how you treat all the people who’s lives you have saved” he snorted. She gave him a scathing look before really pondering this. Ok he wanted to do this, by God she was gonna get some answers this time. “Okay first off you can tell me why you were in my house naked at three in the morning, then you can tell me why I found you in my yard again naked but this time full of bullet holes, or maybe you can explain why I thought a wolf ate you and was lounging in my bed, until I found this on my pillow.” She held up a piece of fur that could only be animal fur and he just smiled. “How could you be smiling right now did I say something funny, Sam Winchester please tell me you are not a wolf in sheep’s clothing.” he could tell she was getting agitated by the tone of her voice each one of his sins she had laid out before him her voice went up another octave. She was the hottest damned thing he had ever seen even with the giant bruise on the side of her face where she had hit the floor when she fainted. He had already planned to tell her everything about what happened with the gunshot wounds and everything else but then she walked in when he turned and now she just looked confused, pissed off, but confused. ” I will tell you everything, but you have to promise me not to freak out and to please just listen and believe I would never lie to you.” he said as he gently approached her as if she were a skittish deer.She said very quietly,”Okaaayyy I’m listening. He asked her to please have a seat and she looked at him like he was losing his mind just his tone of simply asking her to sit in her own damned chair grated on her nerves. He sat across from her as she sat huffily down  in the chair he leaned forward and looked her in the eyes. ” Now are you gonna be calm about this or not CC.” he whispered. ” She shot him daggers “do not call me that ever, you haven’t earned that right.” she huffed. As she got nose to nose with him he could smell the sweet scent of her that always drove him insane. He didn’t back away though he knew now after speaking to his brother while she slept why everything always came back to her. She was his mate his other half and the wolf in him now knew it too. It didn’t matter what he wanted, even if he tried to walk away from her his wolf would never let him. She needed to get used to it, whether she knew it or not she was stuck with him for life. As she sat there seething he did the only thing he could think to do. He reached up grabbed her by that glorious hair and kissed her. It was time to claim his mate….

Slim Pickings Part 3

” What in the hell was that!” Carolyne stammered.Here she was all geared up to kick some ass, with no ass to kick. Maybe she was losing her mind. Did she really just see Sam Winchester in her house naked as a Jay bird? Obviously she was having a heat stroke, and hallucinating this was a very, very hot ( in more ways than one) hallucination. Or was it? She raced to the door Sam had just vacated, and swung it open to look out at the beautiful night. The bright full moon shimmering off the huge lake just outside her door. All she heard was the sweet sounds of crickets chirping in the night. She looked out at the lake it was so inviting in the hot summer night. She knew there were things in that lake that you wouldn’t want to come face to face with on a night swim though. Since her beloved parents were killed in that horrific car wreck her senior year of high school she inherited all five thousand acres of the land including the lake that was now a Wildlife Preservation, thanks to her. She gave it one last longing look before she shut the door and headed for bed. Turning off the lights as she went she placed Louie back in his corner, and hit the bed hard. Thinking sleep would elude her, what with all the commotion tonight, She passed out as soon as her head hit the pillow. She awoke to the sound of her alarm blaring that awful screeching noise, with those red block numbers glaring at her. She slowly got out of bed and stretched arms reaching high above her. She stumbled to the bathroom to get ready for the day. She hated having to get up at six thirty in the morning but she loved opening the store early. The mist coming off the lake flowing through town, as if it were washing away all the troubles from the day before. Making the day fresh and new. She hopped in the shower quickly scrubbed her body and washed her hair, and jumped out grabbed a towel and dried off. She made quick work of brushing out her hair and wrapping it back into a bun. She brushed her teeth and flicked off the bathroom light as she left. Standing in front of her closet looking for her standard awful uniform top, the night before came rushing back. Damn how was she going to face her boss after she just saw him sans clothes. She got dressed all the while pondering the situation at hand. “Do I say something, do I look him in the eye, do I ignore him all together”? “Yes I think ignoring him is just the thing”. “After all he ignored me for over half my school days, until puberty hit that is” The Captain of the football team, nailing anything that moved (but her),that  always pissed her off. Why, was she not good enough for his bed? Her friend Angie a hellcat if anyone ever saw one said she should leave this tiny little town and try her hand at modeling. If nothing else to get away from Sam Winchester, but she loved this town and the house she was born in. How could she leave it? She gathered her purse and her apron  and headed out for the day. Keys in hand she headed to her car. Just as she opened the door she heard a muffling sound. Coming from the edge of the lake it sounded like a cat mewling. Was it hurt or was there something sinister going on here? There she heard it again, just by the edge of the water hidden by a stand of trees and bushes.She slowly walked over as the sound grew louder, and louder digging out her mace as she went. Always prepared she was not one to get caught unawares. As she got to the edge of the first tree she heard another sound this time it sounded like a person saying help me very softly. Was her mind playing tricks on her again or was there someone in her bushes? She leaned over and tried to get a peek  through the leaves, a small gasp escaped her. She saw an arm from a human, someone was in there. She vigorously started pulling away leaves and moving branches to reveal, Sam again naked but this time riddled with bullet holes. All thoughts of his nudity fled as she grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the bushes. She just saw him a few hours ago and he was fine. What the hell happened to him since then. He started moaning and as she plopped down and gathered  his head in her lap, he passed out. So much for that awkward business from last night. SON OF A BITCH…………………..