GOMY9CQSvmjKLxigsfxg_Attic                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   This reminds me of a reoccurring dream I had, that after months of dreaming the same dream every single night. Quickly became a Nightmare. I dreamed I was in a yellow house with my Mother unpacking boxes and boxes of pictures. I was confused because I haven’t lived with my Mom in years. I looked down the hall and there was  an Attic. I asked my Mom if she had a key and she said it was locked from the inside and there was no key. I attempted to go to the door and a Gale force wind hit me and kept me from the door. That is where I woke up, the first time!

 After that night, I had the dream repeatedly, literally every night, for the next six months. As the weeks progressed the end of the dream changed to me getting past the wind and finally making it to the door only to find that it was indeed locked.  It got to the point where I did not want to go to sleep in fear of having this dream. This dream that even in my waking hours,  I needed to know what was in that Attic and why was the Universe keeping me from all the secrets it held. Toward the last days, I had this dream, the ending changed once again to me finally getting the door open and going to turn on the light by the string hanging in the middle of the dark room, and guess what, no light bulb.

I felt deflated, after all, the trials I had been through to get in this room and there was no light to see. This was right around Thanksgiving and my sister in law noticed I looked overtired and depressed. After  living with this dream alone for months, I finally shared it with her. She said that in College she had taken a course in dream interpretations. My dream seemed to be about the secrets locked away in my head and that it was something my brain was trying to work out that I wasn’t emotionally ready to face from my past. That actually seemed to make sense and after that, I no longer had the dream. A few short months later I had something happen, that made me face my past head on. I truly feel like that dream was my alarm, warning me that something bad was coming. I don’t think that I would be the person I am today had it not been for that dream. I would have probably never faced my past and let it hang over me forever. I have never had that dream again and now I know that Attic did hold secrets, it held pain and loss. I finally found the light switch it was inside me all the time.


10 thoughts on “DREAM A LITTLE DREAM!

  1. Interesting how the same dream appears for awhile and then no longer again. Dreams are beneficial in that they have a message – sometime the message is difficult to determine. Hope you are having a good day! 🙂


  2. Pingback: DREAM A LITTLE DREAM AGAIN! | Sacrificial Chain Breaker

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